Jun 25, 2011

Under the weather

 I have an ear infection that got my temperature jumping to 103 degrees at school this week.
I also have a nasty chest congestion that sounds like a dump truck unloading some cans.
I'm on amoxicillin and Dimetapp with Tylenol on standby for fever. 
Just an awesome way to welcome summer.
My cousin Kayla posted this message of Facebook.
It lifted my spirits and it's been making me smile for a few days now.
I swear her smile is like amoxicillin.  It makes me feel better.
Thanks Kayla!

Jun 19, 2011

To my favorite person in the whole world

 We enjoy icy treats together.
He shows me lots of food tricks that leaves my mom baffled sometimes. 
Like using a graham cracker to eat ice cream for instance.  Not today.
 Here's Charlie.  He adores his pops...a lot. 
 He likes to kiss him when he gets a chance.
They also have staring contests.
Charlie just really likes to join in on the fun wherever his pops is.
Daddy will stop in the middle of raking the leaves to play with me
Take command of a battleship.
Or take on a pirate ship.  A-hoy there!!

My daddy is a cool chap.  Thank you, daddy, for taking care of me and for being the funnest and funniest person ever.  


Jun 18, 2011

Celebrating Daddy, Lolo, and Uncle

 We took daddy, lolo, and uncle for a brunch.
 Mommy, me, and lola.
 My favorite cousin. Very excited to board the boat.
 My parents.
 Pile on the food!
 Auntie, lolo, and mama.
 I think this is all what daddies want for Fathers' Day:  A good ol' nap after a meal.
I like to be on the Captain's chair.

Jun 12, 2011

Grad Celeb

 Our friend Bella graduated from 6th grade.  Time to celebrate!
 Bella's mommy getting ready to serve cake.
All the kids got gift buckets.  Daddies are more excited than their kids about the Little Pet Shop diddlies. Must be the beer.
 Tickets!  I love tickets!
Vrooooom! You wanna race?
Malia and I goofing around.
Did I tell you I wear glasses now?  Oh yeah.


Jun 10, 2011

Goodbye Frogs Class

Today was our last day in the Frogs class at Serendipity School.  Kindergarten, here we come!
We had a potluck today. Our parents brought mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, veggies and fruit, and various treats.
We designed our own goody bags.
Here's mine and my friend Patrick's.
 We got each other goodbye treats. I got my friends flip books which I autographed in the back.  I told my friends that it was awesome having them in the Frogs class and I wish them a wonderful summer.  Most of all, we'll miss our teacher Ms. Maria.  We learned a lot from her. It is kinda sad moving on, but I guess it's just part of growing up.

Jun 5, 2011

Happiness is...

...having my cousin Kayla sleep over.  We did lotsa stuff and had fun together!