Sep 28, 2011

Demolition Mode

Safety glasses on...check
Pry bar...check
We're in demolition/construction mode in the next few weeks.
I'll let you know what we're working on once it's done.

Sep 27, 2011

Some baby pics

My mom's been sick for the past few days with the very bad cold.  So she's quarantined at home.  Guess what she does when she's at home?  She goes through old pictures of mine and think of the good times like when I didn't walk yet, or talk, or not answer back.  Or when my cheeks were mistaken for Hawaiian bread lots of times.  Sigh...  Sometimes she wants those days back.  Well tough luck, I'm in kindergarten now and I know when she's trying to fool me.  Well, here are some of the pictures that made her stare for awhile.  She feels much better now. 

Sep 24, 2011

Route 66 Parade

Our town had the annual Route 66 Parade. 
  Our school participated.
 Three of my friends and I in kindergarten decided to represent Room #1.  Whoo-hooo!
 We entertained ourselves as we waited for the parade assembly.
 Here's our mascot, the Royal Oaks Eagle.  Oh yeah, I got hot running and playing with my friends that's why my jeggings are up.
 In line, but still waiting.  Crawling on the center divider.
 My friend Gian and I decided to dance.  "Get your kicks on route 66."
 Wow, this is taking awhile.  In the meantime, I'll do a silly face.
 Oh boy, here we go!
 Oh, stop again.
 Go! Eagles, go!
 My other friends were lagging behind to I decided to join the big kids.  My legs are hot again so the pants went up again.
We were tired, but it was lots of fun.  Not sure why this guy still looks grumpy.  He's riding on our principal's truck all that time with a chair.  Hmmm, I don't think he can help it.  I think his sneer is permanent.  

Happy Weekend, everyone!

Sep 18, 2011

Jazzy kind of night

Early Sunday evening doing homework with Miles Davis playing in the background.

Sep 11, 2011

9/11 - Never Forget

Photo courtesy of CNN.
On Sept. 11, 2001, some really bad guys flew two planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and another one into the Pentagon in Virginia. Innocent people on those three passenger planes and thousands more perished because of this act of violence.  In California, my mom remembered she was in her apartment getting ready for work when she heard about a plane crashing into one of the towers.  In disbelief, she drove to work listening to NPR and when she got there her co-workers had the television on and were watching silently.  A few minutes later, the towers collapsed.  Thoughts raced in her mind.  "This was not an accident."  "America's been attacked."  "No one's safe.'' "Who could do such a thing?" She thought about her cousins who lived close to Manhattan.  Are they safe?  Are they ok? Many of her coworkers broke down.  Some sat down, stunned.  That day scarred many people and nothing would be the same after that.

That was ten years ago.  Today, the site is still being rebuilt.  Many lives are still being rebuilt.  America is still being rebuilt.  Our hearts are still being rebuilt.  Let's continue on doing that.  

If you fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. At least, that's what I've been taught when I trip. I think we can all do that no matter how hard.

Shoe Fiend

I have a thing for heels.  I love trying them on. We went to Nordstrom's Rack and here I am trying on some shoes.  My dad's worried because it looks like he'll have to live with two shoe fiends in the house.

Sep 6, 2011


I got my homework assignments for the month today.  Wow, my teacher wasn't kidding when she said we'll have homework.  It's a pretty hectic evening schedule we have to accomplish a little bit of it every evening.  But my mom still leaves some time for fun and things that I'm interested in.
Like planets, for example.  I was watching a show with my dad on Discovery Channel about planets and atoms. Then I asked my mom how the planets got were they are.  Uh, my mom said, there was a big explosion in space and then rocks and gas started to mix together or something like that.  I suspect there's a more complicated answer than that.  I'll wait until I grow up.  In the meantime, we got some plastic glow in the dark planets that we plan on hanging in my room.  I enjoy things that light up in the dark.

Sep 4, 2011

Christoph Neimann's blog

My mom follows Christoph Neimann's blog.  The sketches on his recent blog pretty much described her experience (and probably most travelers') during her 13 hour flight to the Philippines.  She can really relate to the sketch with the inflatable neck pillow. In the end, she wanted to fling that thing as far as she can.

 There was also a crying baby on her flight.  My mom's wished she was also in her bassinet.
My mom also wonders about those little holes in the windows.  I, too, had asked the question when we went to Costa Rica.  She said something about the window has double panes and something about condensation. I think she just made it up and she lost me quickly in thought.

Here is the link to the rest of the sketches. They are pretty hilarious.

Mommy and me

I like watching my mom get ready when my parents go to parties.
I think I did something funny here like lift her dress up and we started laughing.