Feb 8, 2009


Maya's been sick so we camped it at home most weekend. There's nothing like following a toddler around with a nose like a leaky faucet and a nasty cough while operating on 50% night's sleep. She's well enough to play, but not well enough to go places. I started running out of activities to do inside the house, so I thought we'd bake mini blueberry muffins. It's a rainy day anyway to it seems perfect to do that. The best part is eating them and the sweet baked muffin smell wafting throughout the house. Mmmm....

Step 1: Pour milk into the mix.

Step 2: Mix the eggs in.

Step 3: Then the blueberries.

Step 4: Scoop into the mini muffin baking pan.

Step 5: Present finished product to toddler for approval.

Step 6: Put on colorful plate.

Step 7: Enjoy!