Every night when I brush my teeth, my mom and I sit on my step stool next to the sink.
We make faces, sing songs, and play the "I'm a..." game until my teeth are clean. The "I'm a..." game is me and my mom taking turns saying we're all kinds of things. For example: Maya: I'm a table.
Mommy: I'm a chair.
Maya: I'm a toothbrush.
Mommy: I'm a toothpaste.
Do you see how it goes? Two items have to be somewhat related. It's pretty good. We play it in the car too. It helps me learn and at the same time keeps my mom busy. Sometimes we play it so much, my mom begs for me to stop.
After brushing, my mom cleans up after my mess. See the smudges on the mirror? That's lotion I put on there after my bath. I do it no matter how many times my mom tells me not to. I can't help it. So now she has to wipe it off. I love my mom.