My mom let me stay up past my bedtime this weekend so we got to play in the backyard longer. We laid on the picnic blanket and watched the breeze rustle leaves and push clouds in the sky. We chased after Charlie and bugs. Sang songs about flowers. Listened to birds get ready for bed. Gathered some flowers and leaves. Oh and I can now say "G' mawning!" which my mom finds really cute.
Remember this pool my parents worked hard on putting up? It's now a family fort. Water is optional. I got wrapped up like a burrito in a picnic blanket. I helped mommy wipe the coffee table I made a mess on. My friend Lulu and I rode my horsey. And of course, I picked flowers (and dried leaves and branches that mommy vaccuumed off the living room floor.) My mom took this weird shot. Not my best pose nor my dad's, but Charlie's is picture perfect.