Jan 13, 2009

Letting go

The kid started her new pre-school this week. Her dad dropped her off in the morning. I called him and wanted all the details. Didshecry-didshesaybye-whatwas herreactionwhenyouleft...breathe! She's fine, he said. I checked up on her at lunch time and her teachers said she was adapting well, did not cry at all, ate her lunch, and has a new friend Megan (aw..). At work, I was trying to imagine how she was doing and how she was feeling. I'm sure she's sad she didn't see her friends from her old daycare. I was hoping she was gonna be fine because we made an effort to prep her by talking about her new school for about a couple of weeks. I went to pick her up in the afternoon and saw her sitting on the bench with one of her teachers observing the other kids on the playground. As I approached the gate, she turned and saw me. She ran toward me and started crying. It was heartbreaking because I knew she tried her best to be strong all day long without us or her old friends. I picked her up and hugged her tightly and said, "I know, baby, I know." Then she whispered, "I miss you." Sheesh, at that point I didn't want to let go and wanted to just comfort and protect her from everything. But as we approached the car, she stopped crying and started talking about what they ate for lunch (grilled cheese sandwich), nap time, songs they sang (ABCD and Itsy-Bitsy), etc. Then I had to ask if she still liked school and dreaded the answer. But with extra enthusiasm, she said "YEAH!!" So I think she'll be fine...
sniff, sniff*