Dear Maya,
I woke up at 5am today. I felt you next to me as you once again made your way from your bed to our bed in the middle of the night. Faint morning light was streaming through the window. I looked at your face. It's so peaceful like an angel. Yet in my head, I hear all the questions and funny comments you make. You sometimes wear me down with those questions such as why does Charlie fart, why are boys' hoo-hoos different than girls', and questions why your pet fish died. I have to answer all of them no matter how tired I am and no matter how hard they are. It is important for you to know those answers because they are your foundation in understanding the world around you.
I am excited for what's in store for you, my little daughter. Life is full of surprises. Life can be really fun and it can also be really hard. But know that I'll be there for you no matter what. It is my hope that during those tough times that you'll remember what I taught you and that you will use those lessons as your guide to find your way back. Also, remember to be grateful for what you have, always. Accept others for who they are as a person and not for what they have. You will grow up and I will have to let you go. That's the most important thing a mother can do. I will be devastated, but I know it's for your own good.
One day you will be a mother, too. You will scratch your head in puzzlement as your little one does something peculiar. You will have many, many laughs. You will put your head down in defeat as your toddler hollers victory during a tantrum. You will be angry. You will cry out in frustration. You will discover your inner reserves when you think you're going to pass out out of exhaustion. You will climb mountains, fight lions and bears, fight with Ironman, negotiate with evil giants, and greet fairies and have a tea party all in one minute. You will do all this because you're a mother. You will do all this because that's what mothers do. This is what I do. I would not trade it for anything in the world.
At 7am, you woke up. You had a big grin on your face. You ran to me to give me a morning hug and you almost knocked my coffee off the table. You whispered in my ear that you did not pee-pee in your underwear all night. GASP! Oh heck yeah, that's a big deal! I gave you a bear hug and kisses and told you how proud I am of you. You were so proud of yourself. Then you said, "I'm not a baby anymore". Yes, I know. But in my heart, you'll always be my baby.