Jul 14, 2013


 Daddy was cleaning outside in yard.  He found this dry lizard skin under something.  He called me because he knew how I've always wanted to catch a lizard.  As we're looking at it, we spotted the owner.
 After much commotion, mainly a squee-ing sound from me because I was so excited, we captured the lizard!  I named her Lizzy.  Wow, I can't believe it.  I've tried to catch lizards in the backyard for awhile now without success.  So this is a dream come true.  We put her in an old and clean potato salad container.  We put holes on the top so it could breath.  I also brought in some leaves and grass so it would sorta still feel like it's in her own habitat.  I'd say she's about 10 inches long from tip to tip.  Isn't she pretty?  
I was babysitting her for awhile. I put the container on my lap so I can stare at  her closer.  I placed the container on the table and I walked around with my hands behind my back like an expectant parent.  Then I sat back down again and stared at Lizzy.  No worries, my daddy and I will release her back in the wild in the early evening so she won't be late for dinner.