Jul 28, 2013

Outing with Lola

It was my Lola's birthday.
 We took her to a nice lunch at a restaurant in Long Beach called Parkers' Lighthouse.  
 It was a beautiful day, but a little on the windy/chilly side.
We had a yummy lunch and I had a big serving of raspberry sorbet for dessert.
 And Lola enjoyed her creme brulee. 
 The Queen Mary was nearby.  We stared at it for a little bit.
Photo op by bouganvilla flowers.
 We enjoyed the day around the pier and we saw this lady.  Of course, I had to follow her around for a little bit.  Just fascinating to see someone walk on stilts!
 Lola wanted to see some fishies, so we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific.  This Leafy Seadragon is one of the prettiest things in there.
 And this majestic thing is just amazing.  Can you just imagine it with a top hat? Handsome fella. 
 Hello stingrays that don't sting.
 Oh, and there are birdies, too, just in case you get tired seeing sea creatures.
 These purple spikey things kinda grab your fingers when your touch them.  Cool.
 Here's a spider crab for yah.  My mom was like, "Ugh".  They probably come up to her knees and the body is almost as big as my head.  Imagine that thing walking down your hallway.
 Lolo and Lola.
 Mom, Lolo, and Lola waiting for me and daddy.
We just had to.

It was a wonderful day with my family.
Happy Birthday, Lola!
I love you!