Oh by the way, while we were working on the veggie planter, we found a few snails in the area we were clearing. We decided to transplant them on another part of the yard.
Snails are cool and slimey. I watched them get oriented with their new area.
Have you seen a snail do a piggy back ride? Well, now you have. And nope, I had nothing to do with this snail climbing on this other one. It did it all by itself.
Small snail dude: "Geez, where am I??! Excuse me, sir, may I hitch a ride?"
Big snail dude: "Sure, buddy. Where ya goin'?"
Small snail dude: "I dunno, wherever you're going I guess."
Big snail dude: "Alright, well I'm famished. I'm headin' over in the grassy area over there. You up to it?"
Small snail dude: "Oh yeah, that'd be great. Thanks. I was having breakfast earlier when this giant pink glove snatched me and put me down here. Rude, whatever that was."