Jul 25, 2010

Farm Visit

We visited a farm this weekend.
I went with my mom and dad, lolo and lola, and my auntie and Kayla.
Uncle couldn't make it because he's currently in New Orleans
helping make sure the oil spill clean up is going okay.
Wish you were here, Uncle, but I know you have very imporant work to do.
Just waiting for the wagon ride.
As we rode the wagon, we stopped several times to sample the farm's products. 
I couldn't believe how sweet this raw corn was.  Awesome goodness!
We also tried tomatoes, zucchini, string beans, squash, etc.
Nice tasting carrots, too.  Kayla and I roamed around the watermelon plots. I held my little cousin's hand to make sure she doesn't trip over anything.
Have you ever tried yellow watermelons?  Oh my goodness, they are sooo good!
Here's us waiting for some more samples. Mmmm...
I was about to show Kayla a stunt, but she's like "what are you doing?"
So I grabbed her hand and continued walking.  Sheesh...
Mommy was just sitting amidst the farm taking pics.
Then we piled back into the wagon with our watermelon picks.
We held on to our treasures and made sure they didn't roll. 
After a long day of walking around, Kayla and I have our own porter to
carry us back to our cars.
It was a fun day!  We'll definitely be back. 
Please visit and support your local farms.