Photo courtesy of CNN.
On Sept. 11, 2001, some really bad guys flew two planes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and another one into the Pentagon in Virginia. Innocent people on those three passenger planes and thousands more perished because of this act of violence. In California, my mom remembered she was in her apartment getting ready for work when she heard about a plane crashing into one of the towers. In disbelief, she drove to work listening to NPR and when she got there her co-workers had the television on and were watching silently. A few minutes later, the towers collapsed. Thoughts raced in her mind. "This was not an accident." "America's been attacked." "No one's safe.'' "Who could do such a thing?" She thought about her cousins who lived close to Manhattan. Are they safe? Are they ok? Many of her coworkers broke down. Some sat down, stunned. That day scarred many people and nothing would be the same after that.
That was ten years ago. Today, the site is still being rebuilt. Many lives are still being rebuilt. America is still being rebuilt. Our hearts are still being rebuilt. Let's continue on doing that.
If you fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. At least, that's what I've been taught when I trip. I think we can all do that no matter how hard.