Apr 2, 2013

Dinosaur Egg

Okay, so my mom and I went to Lakeshore Learning Store to get some stuff for school.  I saw this fake fossil egg and asked if we could get it.  I'm fascinated by the tools that come with it and how I'm going to dig the baby dinosaur out.  I started it and about 20 minutes into it, I asked mom to take over.  She gave me an evil look because I now have a mini excavation mound of sandy plaster stuff in front of me. Like me, she's interested in digging for stuff and investigating anything, so of course she took over.  Below are the phases of the excavation egg mission.
 Finally, there's something.  I'm starting to think we got tricked.
 Okay, it's looking like a dinosaur leg.
 More of it now.
After getting the stuff off it, there it is! A Triceratops! This dinosaur is vegetarian, so that's good.