Jun 3, 2013

Running Races

I love going to my mom's races.  It's a mini vacation for our family.  We get to to spend time at a hotel and explore the host city.  This time we went to San Diego.  My mom ran the San Diego Rock n' Roll Half Marathon. 
Here's me waiting for my lunch at Spaghetti Factory.  Where do you keep your spoon when you're waiting for lunch?
 After lunch, we explored the city and saw and found some interesting things.
 Like this utilitarian-looking playground.  I LOVE this stuff.  I played while my parents watched in a shady corner digesting their lunch.
 We met up with Grandpa, Grandma Audrey, and Uncle Paul for dinner.  We had a nice time in Old Town San Diego. So many things to see and explore.
 Here's my mama after her race.
Click here for her full report or go to this link: http://curiousstillness.blogspot.com/