One of my favorite things to eat for dinner is a bowl of rice, broccoli, and neatballs.
Neatballs, you ask? Why yes, I call meatballs, neatballs. Before your brain start
jumping to conclusions, lemme esssplain this.
I was in the Bears class at my school for 2 year olds. My teacher's name was
Ms. Natalie. I called her Ms. Matalie. After that, I transitioned to the
Ms. Natalie. I called her Ms. Matalie. After that, I transitioned to the
Ladybugs class for 3 year olds. My teacher's name was Ms. Nellie. I was having
a hard time saying words that start with M then followed by N. So I kept calling her
Ms. Mellie. Okay, now boys and girls, keep repeating Ms. Mellie a bunch of
times...get it? I'm sure she wasn't very pleased by it, but because she's nice,
she didn't say anything. But my mom was so embarassed so we kept
practicing at no success. She then had a brilliant idea. She told me to
call my teacher Ns. Nellie. So that's what I called her. And now for some reason
I switch the M's and N's like neatballs and mapkins. I'll eventually get it, but I guess it's
better than calling someone smelly. Thank goodness, my new teacher's
name in the Frogs class is Ms. Maria.